• Constructs a tracked value updated by the given value supplier.

    If the value is already updated by another supplier, then unbinds from the old one first.

    Call the byNone method to unbind the tracked value from the source.

    Note that explicitly updating the value would override the value received from the source.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns ValueTracker<T>

    this instance.

  • Constructs a tracked value updated by value keepers extracted from events sent by the given supplier.

    If the value is already updated by another value supplier, then unbinds from the old one first.

    Call the byNone method to unbind the tracked value from the source.

    Note that explicitly updating the value would override the value received from the source.

    Type Parameters

    • T

    • TSrc extends any[]

      Source value type.


    • supplier: EventKeeper<TSrc>

      The event keeper to extract value keepers from.

    • extract: ((this, ...event) => EventKeeper<[T]>)

      A function extracting value keeper from event received from supplier.

    Returns ValueTracker<T>

    this instance.

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