An instance of the module use.

The module is active while it is in use. I.e. at least one Use instance exists and active.

The use is active util its supply is cut off.

The module use instance can be used as its handle too.



read: AfterEvent<[Status]>

An AfterEvent keeper of module load status.

The [AfterEvent__symbol] property is an alias of this one.

Cuts off the supply when context module no longer used.

supply: Supply

Module use supply.

The module use stops once this supply is cut off.

whenReady: OnEvent<[Status]>

An OnEvent sender of the module readiness event.

Sends the loaded module status when it is ready.

Cuts off the supply when context module failed to load or no longer used.

whenSettled: OnEvent<[Status]>

An OnEvent sender of the module settlement event.

Sends the loaded module status when it is settled, but possibly before it is ready.

Cuts off the supply when context module failed to load or no longer used.


  • Returns an AfterEvent instance of this event keeper.

    Returns AfterEvent<[Status]>

    AfterEvent instance registering event receivers sent by this keeper.

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