Function PseudoStatic

  • Creates a class amendment (and decorator) that declares a static pseudo-member of the target class.

    A static pseudo-member does not alter the class constructor. Instead, its value is read and written by the given accessor.

    Type Parameters

    • TValue

      Static pseudo-member value type.

    • TClass extends AmendableClass<any, TClass> = Class<any>

      A type of amended class.

    • TUpdate = TValue

      Static pseudo-member update type accepted by its setter.

    • TAmended extends AeStatic<TValue, TClass, TUpdate, TAmended> = AeStatic<TValue, TClass, TUpdate>

      A type of the entity representing a static pseudo-member.


    • accessor: PseudoAccessor<TClass, TValue, TUpdate>

      Static pseudo-member accessor.

    • Rest ...amendments: Amendment<TAmended>[]

      Amendments to apply to static pseudo-member.

    Returns PseudoStaticAmendment<TValue, TClass, TUpdate, TAmended>

    New static pseudo-member amendment.

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